Monday, April 4, 2011

First Instalment : The Letter

although i actually finished this part about a week ago, I realised just then that i HAD to share this story :)

my friend and i are conducting an experiment in order to get around buying postage stamps for mail.
not that either of us are too lazy to buy one, too poor to buy one or too cheap to buy one - rather we are just doing it for the sake of fun.


  1. i will write a letter to my friend katherine (hi katherine if you're reading this :D)
  2. i will post it with my address in the TO field and her address on the FROM field
  3. i will pop it into the POST box on my way back from school


  • katherine's mum: they will send the letter to the 'to' address and send a bill to the FROM address 
    • katherine and i disagree: it would  be far too much trouble to send a bill for 50c or so
      • on a second thought just then: what if they incur a fine o.O
  • my dad: they will simply not mail the letter
    • i disagree: they can't do that. what if it held important information?
  • my mum: they will send it back to the FROM address
    • katherine and i support this: makes most sense, commonly accepted RETURN TO SENDER concept
prediction: the letter will be sent to the 'FROM' address (in this case, Katherine's address) which will satisfy my aim of sending a letter to her home free of charge.

now will all the deets set out, i'll detail stage one of the process: WRITING THE LETTER.

i can't exactly remember what the letter said, and i cant be bothered going and fetching it (SUSPENSE: QU. TO CONSIDER: how can i fetch it if it's not with me . . .). BUT i did incorporate a letter to the postman (in case my dad's hypothesis was correct and the postman decided to read it) concerning the importance of my privacy. oh, and of course i wrote a message to Katherine in the event of experimental success :D

after several days of constant forgetfulness and the agitation of Katherine (who, as you should by now be able to conclude, was intrigued by this idea that i brought up), i finally remembered to post THE LETTER.

how this happened: i walk past the post box. hesitate. glance. think. REMEMBER! back tracks (like those epic cliche dramas), pause, drops bag. takes out letter. inserts into post box. SATISFACTION. leave.

well, the end of the first installment. now to the second and final installment for today ~

P.S. i love it how Katherine kept asking me whether i'd 'posted it yet' and my brain keeps referring back to blogger posts and i wonder what i needed to post on blogger . . .


  1. haha genius. (Y)
    i wish i'd thought do something as interesting as that :/
    thing is though, if your letter was really important, why would you "forget" to put a postage stamp on?

  2. lmao you are hilarious. :D
    i await my letter.

    I'm gonna try it these holidays....
    Raaaachel~ Get ready to get some maaaaaiiil!
    P.s. Heh, and you say that you are boring...Does a boring person do something like this??? NO WAY JOSE!
    Haha, Jose...such a funny name, I wanna pronounce it Josie. Teehee.


:) really appreciate my blog readers (that's you)! make sure you share your opinions by commenting! :D