Saturday, January 15, 2011

anxiety disorder, social phobia or laziness?

this post is going to be a rant - me about myself and my trivial problems.

put short, I seriously am considering myself to be a victim of at least one of the 'illnesses' (referring to laziness) in the title of this post. why? I will list some examples.

confessions which I believe contribute to my claim:
when I first entered my new Chinese class in 2010, I was so scared and nervous that my hands were leaving puddles of sweat wherever they touched. I was afraid - perhaps my insight into Chinese lessons before (I was only at  China's year 3 Chinese level and I picked up Chinese in Australian year 9) - that I wouldn't know anything and be the laugh of the class. Luckily, everything went well and the class was somewhere at my level, maybe even slightly behind. I felt as if I was part of the family by my second lesson.
i am not exactly sure what happened here, but I get the feeling none of the other new students to the class (i.e. Fiona, Emily, Jackie) felt the same way I did. Thinking back, I often don't understand why I was so scared.
Before the OC exam (you know the one you do in year 4?) I didn't eat my breakfast that morning. I was too nervous - I could barely open my mouth and only managed to eat half the sandwich. I felt like I would gag and vomit if I ate another bite and resorted to throwing it in the bin. I remember my dad seeing me bent over the bin and asking what I was doing - I lied and said that I was throwing the juice popper away, which I had used to bury the sandwich, in the bin.
I'm quite sure that this had nothing to do with eating disorders - it was just the nervousness. I highly doubt I will be able to survive high school if I refuse to eat everyday before and exam. Which is almost where i am heading now - i eat but not enough.
I had just finished the english component of the selective exam. running out of time, i coloured in C for the last eight questions, seconds before the instructor said 'pens down'. Walking with everyone else outside for a break, my mum offered me some chocolate to 'power up my brain'. I love chocolate. But I couldn't eat a single piece - resulting in the entire block being shared between all my friends. i could tell my mum was concerned. i knew that if the rest of the exam was this hard, I wouldn't be able to make it into the school I wanted to ... 
so. i couldn't eat before the OC and not even a snack during the selective. did i put too much weight onto these exams? maybe. I'm not sure. but I managed to do quite well in my selective, make it into my current school and stand up in the year 7 talent quest and perform without the nerves interfering.
every time i need to pack things to go somewhere which I don't go to often, I cannot get the thought of me missing something out of my head. oh and this reminds me: i spend far too long at my lockers for similar reasons. should i leave this book at school? it's always a minute long dilemma.
is this low self esteem? i don't know. is this my brain moving too slow? most likely. 
when i am going somewhere unfamiliar or via an unfamiliar route, I feel very self conscious and as if everyone is looking at me. I am unsure of exactly how to get there and feel extremely embarrassed when I have walked in the wrong direction and need to turn around and walk back. I often feel as if everyone notices that I have walked the wrong way and is laughing at me discretely, although I know that they can't possibly be doing that.
i experience this quite often - at least once per week. I try to avoid making eye contact with anyone so I end up looking at my feet. i had a phase of being scared of being alone (i would panic and get very nervous) but I noticed that it was only at some particular locations that I had not visited soon before I had been to that approximate area. Let me explain in my next example.
There were three places i couldn't go to alone at school - the library, the canteen and the lowers. They were all linked in that I didn't visit them often and never during my familiarising with the school. There was no problem with me visiting the library with my class, but i couldn't do it myself. I felt as if everyone was looking at me once I stepped into the lowers. I felt as if everyone was looking at me and getting agitated at my long decisions regarding what to buy for lunch - my first attempt to buy from the canteen went like this: stepping into the canteen, i headed to hot food. I didn't know what to buy. a meat pie, potato pie, sausage roll? chicken burger? everyone was pushing from behind me to get to the food before it ran out, so i resorted to stepping to the side and having my panic attack. Seeing my friend walk in, I walked over to her and explained my situation. She took her food and I, reaching for the chicken burger, found that area empty. I ended up buying a meat pie. The rest of the canteen trip was fine. But I managed to buy by myself most of the time from the canteen - i do now at least.
that went on for over a year - almost two.

some other factors which may contribute to my claim include: 
i feel as if every one of my acts in public is being scrutinised. i often feel very self conscious. i expect people to notice when i change one of my routines for good or bad. i put myself down more than i brag about myself. i like it when people are older than me so i have an excuse to not be as successful as them. I get jealous at the most pointless things quite easily but i tell noone. the list goes on and on and on ...
so. there are my complaints regarding me being nervous. bored yet? i think so. what is wrong with me you may ask? I don't know. i don't like erupting into a panic everytime I need to go somewhere unfamiliar. Now for my claims on laziness or memory loss.
mum on phone: jennifer could you please place the rice in the rice cooker at 5:30? 
me: ok!
mum comes home at 6:30: dinner time!
me remembering: oh no! ahhhh mum I forgot to cook the rice D:
mum is angry: why did I expect you to remember? can you actually TRY to remember next time?
the sad thing is that this has happened at least 5 times. all the other times I have had to set a reminder on my phone, otherwise I will forget. the point my mum is trying to make is that it is not my memory that is failing - rather it is my WILL to remember things. apparently I prioritise useless things and forget things that are important. i have no comment. something even more pointless and stupid:
i have left my milk in the microwave for several hours after it is heated at least, again, 5 times. I set it to microwave for 45 seconds, leave and forget about it. Usually someone else finds out when they use the microwave - once almost 12 hours later.
I can't help it! I don't do it deliberately but it's only been happening lately. What is happening to my brain? But of course - I'm just being lazy.

so that is my very long rant about my issues/problems. it seems as if this rant itself has been very pointless. so next time you see me lingering around, pop into my bubble and say hi ... it usually helps :D Please comment freely - I do not mind comments about my laziness :)


  1. HOOOOMGAAAA~~~ You are so like me! :D
    YES! Someone gets my absent-mindedness! The only thing is, sometimes when I hear people talking about not being able to eat before exams, I find I never really ever lose my appetite for real. If I ever advertise that I did, it's just coz it sounds cooler to do so.
    As for the Lowers, I totally agree. Feels creepy to walk down there. :S
    And trust me, I get what you mean about lingering at the lockers for ages.

    Me: Hmmm.......~stares at locker blankly~ do i need my IPT book? about my maths book? ....maybe i'll take it home just in case....oh i have a multi assignment...hmm...laptop...should i do Mr Cake's stuff? ....nah.........


    Me wakes up: O___O okay! ~grabs bag, slams locker~


    Me walking back: ..............oops thank you. >.> (looking discreet as possible)

    Yes I'm much worse.
    You know the thing is, my mum thinks that I just plainly don't when she' just talking randomly in the car about some long subject that she really knows how to rant about, sometimes it's interesting and I listen. But sometimes it's too interesting and my imagination gets out of hand and instantly I can't hear her anymore, I just see the picture floating in my head.~
    And yes, whenever I go out, I feel like people are staring at me. It's unnerving. That's why I always have this totally casual thing, or purposeful method of "explaining myself" like if I walk into a pole I say: "Ow?" In this kind of purposeful I don't look too pathetic like I zoned out or something which I probably did.

    Anyway Alicia shut up you're bothering Jennifer by making her read all your issues too.

    :/ thanks for leaving that emote on my blog :P

  2. About the eating, my eating patterns have gone all crazy this holiday… On some days, I eat more than I usually do. Because I have plenty of time to do so now that I don’t have 3 minutes left before I have to rush for my train… Other times though, I just seem to lose my appetite and not really want to eat anything… I don’t think that really has much to do with nervousness though…. But so far, I’m still kind of surviving through high school without eating the standard amount of breakfast every day… I seriously mean every day…
    Lol at the year 7 talent quest…. Was that the camp one? I apologise for dropping out of the item >.> Do you still remember the lyrics? I so don’t >.>
    I spend too less time at my lockers… I keep everything in my bag… or… I just forget the book…. But you use more books than me so yeah…
    Maybe its just for balancing out your super smart self =DD And don’t try to erm go against that, because I think we all know that you have the best marks out of all of us…. Don’t say something like personal best… Coz that’s not what I’m referring to.
    Going to the canteen really is impulse… But from now on I’ll try get pies or garlic bread… It’s cheaper .____. I needa erm.. cut down my expenditure? Let’s just hope that the prices haven’t gone up .___.
    I think everyone has the acts in public being scrutinised thing. I know its hard to full on cut it out. But look at it like this. Say when someone else does or says something stupid, you might thing them for like 5 seconds, but a while later, are you really still thinking about how stupid the person is? Or have you moved on? These little things are just fractions of our lives, but really no one remembers after a while…. Of course some epic things like cannibal/cannon ball get brought up again… But I’m sure we’re all trying to avoid those…
    As for the memory loss, let me show my experiences too =D… my mum told me to take in the washing if it rained. That day it rained, and I forgot, so my mum had to wash the clothes again and dry it again the next day. She once again reminded me to take in the washing if it rained. Once again, I forgot. So my mum had to wash the clothes again and dry them again. And I forgot AGAIN. Yeah, she got pissed, and I ran out of underwear D= Ok now for drinks? I really don’t use the microwave for drinks coz I hate hot drinks… Like I just don’t drink them >.> Even for hot chocolate, I wait till it turns to warm chocolate. Ok now my own experiences. You know I’m a very messy person, I don’t clean up after things most of the time. So I take say a cup of milk or ribena or milo or something into my room to drink, and two days later, I realise half the cups still there sitting in the room. That’s when I run out of cups. Thank goodness I have two… So when I run out, I don’t have to wash my cups immediately… (lazy moi) and I don’t have more than two so that I end up figuring out that I have cups of drinks left over a year later because that’s when I run out of cups.
    I think I’m a very lazy person. 95% of the time, my excuses for not doing things is ‘I wasn’t stuffed’…
    Last comment: comment at my own comment: WOAH its so long .____.
    erm….. bonus comment?: comment on little miss owl spirit (>.> randomly came up with that) I think we’re both bothering Jennifer with our long comments =D

  3. haha, it's fine with your long comments!

    it means i have successfully engaged the audience -refers to english class- :D

    and it's great to know that there are some people out there that are just like me ...

  4. oh eat my tail feathers. *sticks tongue out* commenting is appreciation.

    appreciation is indusive to a joyful atmosphere.

  5. i just realised that your comment seems to connote that your tongue is your tail feather. but still 'eat my tail feathers' sounds quite awesome.

    appreciation :D yay ... now i shall stop procrastinating and get something done in the holidays?


:) really appreciate my blog readers (that's you)! make sure you share your opinions by commenting! :D